Friday, April 17, 2009

Crafty Kids

I had a few people during the giveaway who wanted to see crafts for kids, but I am just not good with ideas for crafts that my kiddos can actually do. So, I found this fantastic website and newsletter instead: Kids Craft Weekly. It is absolutely wonderful and a great place for easy yet cute crafts for the kids. The site has great articles and some creative printables for the kids. They also have a monthly giveaway for a free book if you post pictures of your crafty little ones in the photo pool. You receive a weekly newsletter in your email, usually with a really fun theme and a number of new ideas. My plan is to complete one of these projects with the Little Diva each week, and I will post pictures of her completed results here. If you have a blog (or even if you don't), you are welcome to follow along with your kids and post pics on your blog as well. Just leave a comment on that week's post, and we would love to come check them out. So, get out that construction paper, the messy glitter, and those glue sticks and have a blast!

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